viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Hello, everybody!!! Here you have the answers for Final Task Unit 5 so that you can check your exercises and review anything you need. Have a nice weekend!!!

¡¡¡Hola a tod@s!!! Aquí tenéis las respuestas para la Tarea Final de la Unidad 5, para que podáis comprobar vuestros ejercicios y revisar cualquier cosa que necesitéis. ¡¡¡Pasad un buen fin de semana!!!

·         FICHA 1:
-       Ejercicio 1:
1.    No, he doesn’t
2.    Yes, she does
3.    Yes, he does
4.    Yes, she does
5.    No, she doesn’t
6.    No, he doesn’t
7.    No, she doesn’t
-       Ejercicio 2:
1.    He doesn’t want to watch a musical
2.    He wants to read a comic
3.    He wants to play football
4.    He doesn’t want to have/eat an ice cream
5.    She wants to watch a wildlife film
6.    She doesn’t want to read a book
7.    She doesn’t want to play basketball
8.    She wants to have/eat an ice cream
·         FICHA 2:
-       Ejercicio 1:
1.    No, it isn’t. It’s a map
2.    Yes, it is. It’s an island
3.    Yes, it is. It’s a boat
4.    No, it isn’t. It’s a cave
5.    No, it isn’t. It’s treasure
6.    No, it isn’t. It’s a Shell
-       Ejercicio 2:
1.    That is a parrot. It’s colourful and noisy
2.    Those are trees. They’re tall and Green
3.    That is a cave. It’s dark
4.    These are shells. They’re beautiful
5.    This is a rock. It’s big and grey
·         FICHA 3:
-       Ejercicio 1:
1: d; 2: f; 3: a; 4: b; 5: h; 6: g; 7: c; 8: e
-       Ejercicio 2:
1: True; 2: False; 3: False; 4: False; 5: True; 6: False; 7: True; 8: False
·         FICHA 4:
-       Ejercicio 1:
1: a scary film; 2: a wildlife film; 3: an adventure film; 4: a fantasy film; 5: a map; 6: an island; 7: a boat; 8: a cave
-       Ejercicio 2:
1.    That is the volcano
2.    Those are palm trees
3.    These are rocks
4.    This is treasure
5.    These are shells
6.    Those are boats
-       Ejercicio 3:
1.    She wants to watch a science-fiction film
2.    He wants to find treasure
3.    She wants to get up
4.    He doesn’t want to go into the cave
5.    She wants to watch an adventure film
6.    He doesn’t want to paint a picture

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