viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

Hi, kids, how are you? I hope you are all very well. As I told you in my last email, here you have the answers for your tasks for this week. Go on working this way!!!
¡Hola, chic@s! ¿Qué tal estáis? Espero que todos estéis muy bien. Como os dije en mi último correo, aquí tenéis las respuestas para vuestras tareas de esta semana. ¡¡¡Seguid trabajando así!!!

Classbook p.50
1)      They want to write the script à b
2)      He’s got the Robin Hood puppet à a
3)      He’s got a camera à e
4)      It’s made from cardboard, paper and glue à e
5)      They’re watching the film on the laptop à f
6)      The storyboard is finished à c
7)      She’s using the laptop à b
8)      They’re ready to film now à d
9)      He’s wearing headphones à f
10)   The Sheriff is between Maid Marion and Robin Hood à a
11)   Robin and Marion are running à c
12)   There’s a poster about an archery competition à d
Classbook p.51 exercise 2
-          Shall I turn on the lamp?
-          Shall I turn off the televisión?
-          Shall I turn on the torch?
Activity Book p. 40 exercise 1
1.       Adventure film
2.       Writing
3.       Drawing
4.       Archery
5.       Bag
6.       Runs
Activity Book p. 41 exercise 2
1.       C
2.       A
3.       B
4.       C
5.       A
6.       A
Culture Minibook
2. making  3. writing  4. storyboard/running  5. set/between  6. camera  7. watching/computer

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